Cutting- edge Hair Technology

Say bye to hair loss, with our Solutions

RejuvLA offers signature hair restoration services to help prevent and fix thinning hair, early balding, and receding hairlines for both men and women. Dr. Tracy uses the latest advancement in regenerative medicine and surgical restoration to decrease shedding, improve hair density, stimulate new growth, or even transplant individual follicles to fill in bald and thinning areas.

Telogen Effluvium / Covid-induced shedding

82M & PRP

This 42-year-old female had temporal hair shedding due to Covid- 19. She wanted to do something about it early on to prevent more shedding. This is after 3 sessions of highly concentrated PRP focused on the temporal areas and using topical medication daily. She now returns yearly for routine PRP to maintain these fantastic results.
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Dr Tracy and staff are extremely thoughtful and patient in their pursuit to understand what their patient's concerns are with regard to rejuvenation of their skin and hair.
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Male Pattern Hair loss / androgenic alopecia

Surgical Transplantation FUE

Dr. Tracy had experienced hair loss for many years and considered hair transplant before, but do to the scar and longer recovery time, he waited for better technology to arrive. After using oral Propecia on and off for many years, he then used PRP treatments to help stabilize the frontal and mid scalp area. Once follicular unit extraction (FUE) was perfected and his hair loss was stable, he decided to get it done. He needed 2000 follicles to adequately fill in the frontal area, and will need 2000 more for the crown, in a separate procedure. One year later, as shown in this picture, the results have been more than fantastic. With no scarring or big incisions, it’s a fantastic procedure for men and women.
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After just one year the results are fantastic. Couldn't be happier with my FUE treatment.

female pattern hair loss / androgenic alopecia

82M, SPIRONOLACTONE, Double PRP with Acell

This 35 year old female had been suffering from increased hair thinning for a few years. She finally decided to do something about it and came to see Dr. Tracy for an evaluation. She was diagnosed with female pattern hair loss caused by androgen hormones. A thorough treatment plan was put together, which she followed, and had impressive results in only 4 months after her first PRP treatment. She was so happy to have thicker hair she went to see her hair stylist!
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After just one year the results are fantastic. Couldn't be happier with my FUE treatment.
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Alopecia Areta (AA)

PRP with Acell 82M Capillus RX Laser Therapy

This patient came for a second opinion after undergoing monthly steroid injections for about 1 year, and not only was it not working, but her scalp was getting much worse. She was tired of having to hide her scalp every day and wanted a real solution. We outlined a comprehensive treatment plan which didn’t include any harsh steroids or oral drugs. She was motivated to stick with the plan and these results are only 4 months after her first PRP with ACell treatment. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she started to finally see hair growing again.

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Doctor and staff are very nice and friendly. Will come back for more treatments.

Androgenic Alopecia

82F Capillus RX LLL Double PRP with Acell

This is a 38-year-old male with typical early male pattern baldness, especially at his frontal hairline. He had not been on any medications for hair loss prior to coming to RejuvLA. Due to the severe thinness of his hairline, he wanted to treat it aggressively with 2 sessions of highly concentrated double PRP and ACell along with topical finasteride and low-level laser light therapy daily. This picture is 4 months after his first treatment, right before his second procedure.
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Have had 3 PRP treatments for thinning scalp with Dr. Tracy. Easy procedure, no pain, professional staff. Very pleased with results, significant new hair growth. Will do my last PRP treatment next week.
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